With just a few days left until the election, it is essential that you as arts advocates across the region make your voices heard! Be sure to vote, encourage your friends and family to vote, and research the many local measures and propositions on this year’s ballot. Arts for LA has officially endorsed California Propositions 15 and 16 – read our full statement for information about how voting YES vote on these statewide propositions will benefit the arts + culture sector.

This month, Arts for LA hosted our 2nd Annual State of the Arts Summit (SOTA). Thank you to the 300 advocates who joined us from across the region, state, and world! And another thank you to our nearly 40 speakers/panelists, artists, wellness leader, and funders for your leadership. Stay tuned for updates on Arts for LA’s 2021 policy and advocacy agenda. Please scroll below for a few ACTIVATE Innovator videos and an update on the 2020 Laura Zucker Research Report. Lastly, please take a minute to complete Californians for the Arts’ timely survey survey by scrolling below and clicking the link.

GO VOTE arts advocates, and congratulations to the LA Dodgers and LA Lakers on their championships! #LALeads

Gustavo Herrera
Executive Director


Dr. Sheila Reamerm, Equity in the Arts Project


Maricela Martinez, Las Mariachis Project


Justus Jones, Let Art Help Project


ACTIVATE Innovators is a project incubator that supports artists, art + culture professionals, and community advocates in addressing the most urgent issues facing their community. This program pairs participants with an expert mentor and connects them with the resources necessary to realize their advocacy work.

During the State of the Arts Summit on October 16, five of our eight brilliant Innovators were given the opportunity to pitch their newly developed advocacy projects. These presentations were engaging, inspiring, and we were so excited to share them with our audience. Click here to learn more about their projects, and for how you can get involved!

Now, we want to share with you three more pitch presentations from our ACTIVATE Innovators. These Innovators were unable to present at SOTA, and so we are sharing their work with you here! Click above to learn more about each of these three Innovators and their incredible plans for change.

We will also share the videos of our ACTIVATE Innovators pitch presentations from the 2020 State of the Arts Summit, soon. Stay tuned!

Each year, the Laura Zucker Fellowship supports an innovative research project, with the aim of informing regional arts + cultural policy development, reform, or implementation across Los Angeles County.

At the State of the Arts Summit on October 16, 2020 Fellow Nahal Jalali presented a preview of her research: Art as Innovation: Embedding Artists and Creativity Across Local Governments in Los Angeles County.

We are so excited to share this report with you, coming in November, stay tuned!

Californians for the Arts

COVID-19 Impact Survey

Californians for the Arts Designed two surveys to gather information about the financial and human impacts of COVID-19’s pandemic-related restrictions and the State of California’s practicing artists, creative workers, culture bearers, educators, and arts and culture organizations.

Please complete today and share with your networks! We need to let policymakers know the impact of COVID-19 on the California arts and creative industries in order to effectively advocate for:

Industry Guidelines to Reopen Arts Safely
Prioritization of Relief Funding
Increase Funding to the California Arts Council, the state arts agency
Survey for Individuals
Survey for Organizations
Understanding AB 2257, Follow Up Legislation to AB 5, and Its Impact on the Arts Sector

On October 7th, Californians for the Arts hosted a webinar Understanding AB 2257, Follow Up Legislation to AB 5, and Its Impact on the Arts Sector. AB 2257, follow up legislation to AB 5, was signed by Governor Newsom on September 4, 2020 and went into effect immediately.

Click Here for the Recorded Webinar
The law includes new exemptions for musicians, performing artists and fine artists. Learn more about these new exemptions in this webinar moderated by Julie Baker, Executive Director, California Arts Advocates/Californians for the Arts; guest speakers Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, 80th District, Author AB 5 and AB 2257; Assembly Majority Leader Ian C. Calderon, 57th District, Principal Co-author AB 2257; John Acosta, President, AFM Local 47; and Sara B. Boyns, Attorney, Fenton & Keller.

Create CA: Create the Vote

Join us for #CreateTheVote which is a campaign to get out the vote, highlight how civic engagement ties to arts education, and encourage your community to engage in local elections. Make sure to sign the pledge for arts education at createca.org and follow their social media channels to receive up-to-date information on graphics for your community, exciting poster giveaways featuring acclaimed artists, and information on how this election matters to arts education.


In the wake of a global crisis, where arts and culture are key to unifying communities and coping with a new reality, Arts for LA is your only cross-discipline, cross-sector advocacy organization working to give the arts a voice during crucial decision making moments.

When you become a member of Arts for LA, you are joining a movement of artists, arts administrators, arts organizations, and arts advocates united in support of the same goal: ensuring the arts and culture in Los Angeles County are supported, especially in times of crisis.

Become a Member Today!


Since April 2020, Arts for LA has held monthly Voting for the Arts webinars to ensure our community of arts advocates understand the key state and local ballot measures that will impact the arts and culture field.

We are pleased to announce our endorsement of California Propositions 15 and 16.

Prop 15 will close a corporate property tax loophole and bring an estimated $12 billion per year to California’s schools and communities. Approximately $3.6 billion will be directed towards LA County; 40% of which will be allocated to school districts, and 60% will be allocated to local cities and counties to address the needs of communities – from mental health services to housing to jobs programs. Prop 15 requires certain corporations to pay property taxes based on the property’s market value rather than its purchase price. It excludes farms and small businesses and does not impact residential property taxes at all. We see this proposition as a critical step in funding the schools and vital public services so essential to a healthy, creative sector.

Prop 16 will repeal Proposition 209 and reinstate affirmative action in the state of California. Arts for LA believes this proposition represents an important step in confronting generations of discrimination and structural inequality.

At Arts for LA, we firmly believe the arts and culture community must engage in meaningful self-reflection and hold ourselves and creative institutions accountable to the cultural equity values we seek to manifest. We recognize our systems and structures are informed by centuries of oppression that have institutionalized discrimination and denied access to so many.

Achieving equitable arts education and a truly diverse creative workforce is simply impossible if we do not address California’s massively underfunded education system and the disproportionate impact this has on low-income students and students of color.

We believe Prop 15 and Prop 16 do just that and will help build a more equitable, creative LA region.

Make sure to vote on November 3rd. Vote early if you are able. Together, we will create an LA County where everyone is able to thrive.


Thank you to the hundreds of arts advocates who turned out to our four Community Strategy Sessions! Yesterday’s conversation on Equitable Arts Funding concluded our series of community listening sessions, each of which brought the challenges and opportunities facing our sector into clearer focus. Over 275 of you participated in this process, making your voices heard and helping Arts for LA envision a more equitable healthy and creative Los Angeles region.

OUR WORK CONTINUES! Join us for our State of the Arts Summit on October 16 to help drive our agenda forward. This virtual, conference-style event is an opportunity to hear report-backs from each of the Community Strategy Sessions, get the latest updates on affordable space, arts education, creative jobs, and funding, get a sneak preview at the 2020 Laura Zucker Report, and so much more. Click here to purchase your tickets,and read on for more information.

Our advocacy is made possible by our network of outstanding, cross-sector member organizations. If your organization is not yet a member of Arts for LA, click here and join today. Organizational members receive one free ticket to the State of the Arts Summit.


Gustavo Herrera
Executive Director


Arts for LA’s State of the Arts Summit 2020 is coming October 16th!

Join us from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM and have a unique opportunity to:

Hear field updates from cross-sector leaders,
Network with arts + culture practitioners from across the region,
Think together about where our field is headed in the coming year,
Watch performances from inspiring LA-based Artivists!
Along with a slate of incredible speakers, panelists, and artists, we will report back on key findings from the Community Strategy Sessions, and the potential strategies we’ve identified with our Policy Working Groups.

Our 2020 Laura Zucker Fellow Nahal Jalali, will share a preview of her report researching the question:

How can we generate support for, and create new opportunities to employ artists as innovators within local government, beyond traditionally “cultural” departments and agencies?

Don’t miss this day of essential conversations, inspiring performances, and networking opportunities.

Member organizations receive one complimentary ticket to the State of the Arts Summit.

Email us at events@artsforla.org to verify your membership and receive your complimentary ticket link! If your organization is not currently a member, click here to join today.


The LA County COVID-19 Arts Relief Fund is administered by the LA County Department of Arts and Culture, and the purpose of this funding is to provide economic relief to arts nonprofits suffering from business interruptions due to COVID-19-related closures from March 1 – December 30, 2020.

Eligible organizations are current grantees of Los Angeles County and/or one of the seven municipal arts funders in the County of Los Angeles. Los Angeles County has allocated $10,000,000 in CARES Act funding to the Arts Relief Fund. Grant awards will be based on eligibility and demonstrated need. Awards will range based on the number of applications received, organizational budget size, and demonstrated losses and expenditures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

All applications must be submitted online by September 27, 2020 | 11:59PM

The California Alliance for Arts Education

Creative Action Planning: Mapping a Response in Light of Current Challenges

In a changing world, educational leaders are facing a new reality that may include distance learning, budget challenges and dramatic shifts in expectations. Join Peggy Burt and Kimberleigh Aarn in this interactive two-day session that will introduce highly effective ways of collaborating to address trends and engage in meaningful dialogue that leads to concrete actions and priorities.

Student Role in Participation and Advocacy

Led by ACLU’s Arts Fellow, GenUp, and poet and activist from RYSE, this webinar will provide attendees tools and strategies to involve and collaborate with students.


In the wake of a global crisis, where arts and culture are key to unifying communities and coping with a new reality, Arts for LA is your only cross-discipline, cross-sector advocacy organization working to give the arts a voice during crucial decision making moments.

When you become a member of Arts for LA, you are joining a movement of artists, arts administrators, arts organizations, and arts advocates united in support of the same goal: ensuring the arts and culture in Los Angeles County are supported, especially in times of crisis.

Become a Member Today!


Things are heating up in LA and we don’t mean the temperature! The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a $10 million allocation of CARES Act funding to the County Department of Arts and Culture. County Supervisors also approved two motions outlining key steps to restore funding to the Organizational Grant Program (OGP) and Arts Internship Program. We thank you for your advocacy for these crucial programs.

Arts for LA’s City-focused advocacy continues. Be on the lookout for our Action Alerts for opportunities to advocate for the arts in the City of LA.

In just a few days, we’ll be launching Arts for LA’s 2020 State of the Arts Summit. This year will be comprised of five virtual convenings, designed to engage our community around thinking through solutions to our field’s most pressing challenges.

Join us for our four FREE Community Strategy Sessions in September to share your vision for change within affordable space, arts education, creative careers, and arts funding.

Then in October, we will be sharing the major outcomes of these sessions, releasing our 2020 Laura Zucker report, showcasing our Arts Innovators, and more. Tickets for this event will go on sale soon. Stay tuned!


Gustavo Herrera
Executive Director

Join us for the State of the Arts Summit 2020! This year, the Summit will be made up of five total events. Throughout the month of September, we will be leading weekly Community Strategy Sessions, each discussing a different, specific, policy area vital to the arts + culture field that Arts for LA is dedicated to addressing in 2021.

Registration for our four issue-specific Community Strategy Sessions is now open.

Make your voice heard in this critical moment.

Our first Community Strategy Session is less than a week away! Join us at 10:00 AM on September 3rd to discuss the issue of affordable spaces for artists and arts organizations. Emma Howard, Director of Planning for LA City Council District 4 will provide us with a brief overview of the current context and landscape of the issue of affordable space to help frame our conversations.

Our second Community Strategy Session will be on September 10th at 10:00 AM, discussing the issues around equitable arts education for students in LA County. To best frame this conversation, we will welcome Amir Whitaker, of the ACLU SoCal, to provide the current landscape of arts education for the County, where his team has been focusing their efforts. Join this important conversation today.

Over the Summer we launched a brand new iteration of our signature ACTIVATE program, ACTIVATE Innovators. This program supports artists, art & culture professionals, and community advocates in the development of an advocacy project designed to address an urgent issue facing the participant’s community.

Our Innovators and their mentors have been hard at work developing these projects in preparation for our State of the Arts Summit. At the main event on October 16th, our ten Innovators will be sharing their project pitches.

Join us for our virtual State of the Arts Summit and be among the first to hear about the cutting edge advocacy programs our Innovators are curating. Click here to read more about our class of Innovators.

The California Alliance for Arts Education is offering a webinar series for Fall 2020, examining different roles and strategies for local arts advocates. The first in the series, Arts Providers and Teaching Artists in a New Paradigm, explores how arts providers and teaching artists have adapted to distance learning and are addressing are addressing challenges that persist. It will be held on September 14 at 3:30 pm PDT.


In the wake of a global crisis, where arts and culture are key to unifying communities and coping with a new reality, Arts for LA is your only cross-discipline, cross-sector advocacy organization working to give the arts a voice during crucial decision making moments.

When you become a member of Arts for LA, you are joining a movement of artists, arts administrators, arts organizations, and arts advocates united in support of the same goal: ensuring the arts and culture in Los Angeles County are supported, especially in times of crisis.

Become a Member Today!


Read on for updates on our advocacy campaigns, and upcoming events.

The Arts and Culture sector is facing unprecedented challenges likely to impact our region’s creative ecosystem for generations. As our community navigates this extended crisis, Arts for LA has worked tirelessly to build a coalition of dedicated arts advocates, launching the #CreativityInCrisis campaign, and working with elected officials across the region to make sure the arts are part of reimagining, rebuilding, and reinvesting in a healthy, equitable LA region. With your help, we were able to achieve the following:

In response to an open letter, and its nearly 1,000 signatories, Los Angeles City Council approved Councilmember Ryu’s motion converting festival dollars to an emergency artist relief fund.
We mobilized 700 arts advocates from across the region to take action in support of Arts Education for students in their communities.
As discussions around the LA Countywide Cultural Policy began, Arts for LA solicited nearly 300 public comments from our arts and culture community, resulting in an unanimous adoption of the plan by the Board of Supervisors.
Arts for LA is honored to be the voice of LA’s Arts and Culture Sector. We hope you will continue to join us as we fight for greater investment in our artists, cultural organizations, and communities.

Read on to learn more about the success of our fundraising drive and upcoming programs!


Gustavo Herrera
Executive Director


June marked the end of Arts for LA’s fiscal year and our deadline to raise funds in support of the organization’s ongoing work. We were deeply moved by your generous donations totaling over $10,000 dollars! With our Board Advancement Committee’s matching challenge of $6,500 dollars, our community stepped up to ensure we are able to enter the new fiscal year strong and ready to fight for LA’s creative communities.

We cannot thank you enough for your support. Arts for LA’s work would not be possible without your passion and commitment.


As school districts across LA County and California propose deep cuts to arts education, this training will equip advocates with talking points, policy models, and strategic approaches to ensure school board members understand the importance of the arts and how they can support district goals in the midst of public health and financial crises.

Presenters include:

Bob Morrison – Founder/CEO, Quadrant Research

The Arts & Social-Emotional Competencies

Jeannine Flores – Arts & STEAM Coordinator, LA County Office of Education

The Arts & Distance Learning

Heather Moses – Arts Coordinator, Culver City Unified School District

The Arts & English Language Learners

Elida Ledesma – Associate Director, Arts for Incarcerated Youth Network

The Arts & Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Justus Jones – Youth Engagement Specialist, Arts for Incarcerated Youth Network

The Arts & Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Stay Tuned! Arts for LA’s Voting for the Arts will be back again with LA City Controller, Ron Galperin on Wednesday, August 12th, “Public Art & City Finances in the Age of COVID-19.” Follow us on social media to be the first to register!


Californians for the Arts presents Regional Conversations – The State of Arts & Culture in California. Join us for the Los Angeles conversation on Monday, August 3rd.

There is great uncertainty in our field about how and when to reopen safely and effectively and how we as a sector can adapt. Each conversation will include updates on state and federal advocacy with special guests to be announced.

You will have a chance to share ideas, questions and concerns with the Californians for the Arts team, and most importantly each other as the situation continues to evolve. Hearing from one and other is vital as we strategize best practices and the future of our industry in the age of COVID-19.

We hope to “see” you on Monday, August 3rd!


In the wake of a global crisis, where arts and culture are key to unifying communities and coping with a new reality, Arts for LA is your only cross-discipline, cross-sector advocacy organization working to give the arts a voice during crucial decision making moments.

When you become a member of Arts for LA, you are joining a movement of artists, arts administrators, arts organizations, and arts advocates united in support of the same goal: ensuring the arts and culture in Los Angeles County are supported, especially in times of crisis.

Become a Member Today!


Read about what Arts for LA has been doing this month.

It has never been more clear that arts and culture have an essential role to play in building an equitable, healthy future for the LA region. Our team is committed to keeping you –our arts advocacy community– informed and ready to take action in support of a city, county, and state that truly serves all of its people.

Last night, members of the Arts for LA community gathered to celebrate the graduation of the 2020 ACTIVATE Delegates cohort. We congratulate this year’s incredible cohort. We are also excited to welcome 10 outstanding ACTIVATE: Arts Innovators to the Arts for LA community! Be sure to read about our special graduation and this exciting new ACTIVATE curriculum track below.

Yesterday, the LA County Board of Supervisors made history and unanimously adopted a Countywide Cultural Policy – the first of its kind in the nation. This policy affirms the County’s value of arts and culture as central to all aspects of civic life. We are very excited to see an explicit commitment to expand equity-focused arts and culture investment to increase support for communitybased organizations and cultural resources, particularly those that represent and serve historically marginalized and low income communities and communities of color. This community came together to submit over 270 letters in support of this policy.

This work simply cannot be done without your support. Arts for LA is trying to close a fiscal-year-end fundraising gap, and our Advancement Committee has generously issued a matching challenge! All gifts received before the June 30th deadline will be matched up to $6,500! Thank you to those who have helped us get to $4,005 – help us meet our goal and donate or become a member today!


Gustavo Herrera
Executive Director


On June 3rd, Arts for LA released a statement of solidarity in response to the murder of George Floyd and to stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in the fight against racial injustice. We have taken time this month to connect with our staff and board leadership to define concrete steps that we can take to begin to address the deep seeded issues of racism and inequities within our arts and culture sector, the city, county, state and nation. Below are actions that we will take:

Arts for LA has joined the Healthy LA Coalition – a cross-sector network of more than 325 advocacy organizations fighting for racial and economic equity.
As the advocacy around prioritizing investment in public services and into neighborhood programs for low income and communities of color, Arts for LA will continue to make the case that the arts are essential partners to building an equitable society.
We will host community conversations and convene the sector to have cross-discipline discussions to advance the equity work throughout the County.
Lastly, as a board and staff, we will all undergo anti-racism training and we are committed to conducting an annual cultural equity audit that assesses internal and external policies, programs, communications and board and staff diversity.


The arts are essential – both during multi-pronged crises in our county, and after – and we are proud of the work our members have been doing to support their communities. Artists and the arts community have been among those spearheading creative and innovative ways to practice, perform, and engage with art, for community members and especially for our students.

LAUSD has many dedicated and passionate nonprofit partners; we celebrate them all and their great teamwork with the District. The team at Inner-City Arts is very proud to share the results of their effort since LAUSD’s return from spring break on April 13, 2020. They have collectively inspired over 1,600 individual students, at 37 schoolswith over 450 classes creating over 15,000 student experiences – what a shift in delivery model for them and their community! These 450 classes have all been LIVE and INTERACTIVE on Zoom for “no charge” during the COVID-19 crisis.


“I would like to, once again, let you know how grateful I feel for your program. Today was the very first time I had 14 students out of 19 show up altogether to a Zoom Meeting. The arts can motivate students and let them be themselves!”

– Ms. Duran, Teacher, Griffin Ave, 1st grade


Last night, members of the Arts for LA community gathered to celebrate the 2020 ACTIVATE Delegates cohort. Several graduates shared personal narratives, detailing their introduction to the arts and journey towards advocacy and community organizing. The evening ended with a beautiful performance by Maricela Martinez, Director of Mariachi for the Mariachi Lindas Mexicanas.

We are so grateful to the incredible cohort of ACTIVATE and can’t wait to support their future advocacy efforts!

We are also excited to to introduce the cohort for our second brand new ACTIVATE track, Innovators. This new program offers a platform for experimental action projects that have the potential to re-shape LA’s civic and arts and culture community.


In the wake of a global crisis, where arts and culture are key to unifying communities and coping with a new reality, Arts for LA is your only cross-discipline, cross-sector advocacy organization working to give the arts a voice during crucial decision making moments.

When you become a member of Arts for LA, you are joining a movement of artists, arts administrators, arts organizations, and arts advocates united in support of the same goal: ensuring the arts and culture in Los Angeles County are supported, especially in times of crisis.

Arts for LA’s Advancement Board Committee has issued a matching challenge – together, the Committee members will match all donations up to $6,500. Become a member today, and your financial impact will be doubled!

Become a Member Today!



Arts for LA stands in solidarity with protestors organizing and mobilizing in opposition to systemic and state-sanctioned violence by police against black people. We must all work to end institutional racism against communities of color and advance racial equity in this country.

We know that artists and arts institutions must be part of building a more just world – to give voice to what is possible, to what has been ignored, to what continues to be silenced. We pledge to listen to and amplify the voices that have gone unheard for so long and to do what we can to promote the diverse ideas and dreams of positive change.

While we need our creative communities now more than ever to help us make sense of this moment, we also cannot ignore our own contributions to the very problems we seek to redress. We know that to stand in true solidarity, we must engage in meaningful self-reflection and hold ourselves and creative institutions accountable to the values we seek to manifest. We stand ready to work alongside you to dismantle the systems that contribute to racial inequity and violence in our city, our sector, and our world at large.


1. Donate to the BLMLA Action Fund
This fund will go toward bail, fees, and medical expenses for activists taking part in protests.

2. The People’s Budget LA
Information about the movement to prioritize funding for public services and end police violence against communities of color.

3. AWARE-LA Saturday Dialogue
Date & Time: Saturday, June 6th, 1:00-3:00pm (12:30 orientation for first timers)
Details: Come together with fellow white antiracist folks to talk about race and racism, whiteness and white privilege, openly and honestly with each other. (For more information about why we host spaces specifically for white folks, please check out this document).
Contact: send questions to awarela@gmail.com


1. Racial Justice Art & Story Sessions
“Building true cross-racial understanding and a sense of shared destiny amongst and between immigrant and refugee communities requires unlearning the centuries of anti-Black racism in the United States that has been exported across the world through social norms, culture, media, and policy.”

2. The Center for Cultural Power
#NoGoingBack: A COVID-19 Cultural Strategy Activation Guide for Artists and Activists to meet the moment.

3. Anti-Racism for Beginners
Anti-racist resources, readings, and other materials.

4. Racial Equity Curricula
From Racial Equity Tools, for educational contexts.

5. Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance Curricula
Curricula that address racism, tolerance, and historical oppression.


This month has been a busy one for Arts for LA and our community of passionate arts advocates across the region.

Arts for LA was proud to work with Councilmember Ryu to unanimously pass a motion that will reallocate Arts Development Fee funds to support local artists and nonprofit arts organizations. We applaud Councilmembers Krekorian and Rodriguez for similarly moving to make funds available to support the arts and culture communities of their districts. Thank you to our partners in City Council and the Department of Cultural Affairs for their leadership in supporting artists and arts organizations. Read more here.

We are following the LA City and County budget process closely and know that many municipalities across the region are also facing daunting challenges. We will keep our community apprised of any actions to be taken.

We are so grateful to the dedicated arts advocates who joined us for April’s Voting for the Arts in 2020. A huge thank you to CA Assembly Member Richard Bloom and Californians for the Arts Executive Director Julie Baker for leading a conversation about the role of the arts in California’s COVID-19 response and recovery. We hope you will join us on Wednesday, May 27th, for the next training, focusing on local arts education advocacy. Register here!

Lastly, we selected our 2020 Laura Zucker Fellow this month! We are pleased to introduce you to Nahal Jalali – read more about her below.

Our supporters make our programs and advocacy work possible. In support of our mission and efforts, Arts for LA’s Board Advancement Committee has issued a matching challenge of up to $6,500! Help us meet this match by June 30th!


Arts for LA


Voting for the Arts in 2020 is back! This new series of free, digital trainings offers the Arts for LA community a look at how the issues appearing on the November ballot are likely to impact the creative sector. This month’s advocacy training will focus on the movement for equitable arts education – particularly on tools and strategies for ensuring local decision makers harness the full power of arts education in responding to the COVID-19 crisis.

Presented in partnership with the California Alliance for Arts Education, the session will cover strategies for engaging local school board members, responding to proposed budget cuts, and best practices for amplifying student voices.

Register Today!
Presenters include:

Tom DeCaigny – Executive Director, California Alliance for Arts Education

Summer McBride – President, Culver City Unified School District Board of Education

Cordelia Istel – Director of Organizing, Arts for LA

Adelaide Kuehn – Program Director, California Alliance for Arts Education

Caitlin Lainoff – Program & Communications Manager, California Alliance for Arts Education


Arts for LA is pleased to introduce our 2020 Laura Zucker Fellow for Policy and Research – Nahal Jalali! The fellowship is a unique opportunity to research policies that will impact LA’s arts and cultural policy landscape– Nahal will be exploring the relationship between the arts and local government innovation.

Nahal Jalali is a visual artist, writer, and strategy consultant focused on advancing social change through the arts. She is currently working on finalizing her first book on the intersection of art and public policy. The book is a collection of more than twenty accessible and compelling stories illustrating the benefits of arts and cultural programs across a variety of sectors, locations, and issue areas. Nahal is also a Senior Consultant in Deloitte’s Government and Public Services practice where she advises public and social sector clients on innovation, strategic growth, and social impact strategy.
Prior to joining Deloitte, Nahal served as a Deloitte Data Analytics Fellow, a Research Assistant for Georgetown University’s Initiative on Innovation, Development, and Economics (GUI2DE), and as the Communications Specialist for a nonprofit organization managing more than fifty development projects across India and Nepal. Nahal earned her Master’s in Public Policy from Georgetown University where she wrote her graduate thesis on individual preferences for public funding of the arts in the United States. She also has a personal ceramic arts practice and is a member of the CLAY CA studio in Chinatown.


In the wake of a global crisis, where arts and culture are key to unifying communities and coping with a new reality, Arts for LA is your only cross-discipline, cross-sector advocacy organization working to give the arts a voice during crucial decision making moments.

When you become a member of Arts for LA, you are joining a movement of artists, arts administrators, arts organizations, and arts advocates united in support of the same goal: ensuring the arts and culture in Los Angeles County are supported, especially in times of crisis.

Arts for LA’s Advancement Board Committee has issued a matching challenge – together, the Committee members will match all donations up to $6,500. Become a member today, and your contribution will be doubled!

Become a Member Today!


Over the past month, Arts for LA has worked with advocates across the region to ensure artists and arts + culture organizations have the resources they need to navigate this crisis. Since launching our #CreativityInCrisis campaign in mid-March, we have seen extraordinary leadership from the community in support of the creative sector:

We received nearly 1,000 signatures on our open letters to policy makers and grant makers calling for support;
The Getty Foundation boldly stepped forward with a $10 million grant program for small to mid-sized visual arts organizations and visual artists, hosted by and in partnership with the California Community Foundation;
LA City Council Member of District 4, David Ryu, introduced a motion to City Council calling to amend City law making it easier to repurpose funds for additional emergency relief for artists and arts nonprofits.
We are grateful for the thousands of Arts Advocates who shared their stories and worked tirelessly to support these efforts. This is a promising start and the Arts for LA team is eager to continue advocating alongside you in the months ahead.

Ready to get more involved with Arts for LA? We are currently accepting applications for two programs: ACTIVATE Arts Innovators (a new ACTIVATE program track focused on advocacy project development) and the Laura Zucker Fellowship for Policy and Research (a paid research fellowship focused on researching and identifying policy solutions to challenges facing our local community). Applications for both programs close in May, so apply today!

Members make our programs and advocacy work possible. If you and/or your organization is not yet an Arts for LA member, please consider joining today.


Arts for LA

Want to be a more informed Arts Voter? This online training will introduce arts advocates to issues appearing on the November 2020 ballot likely to impact the creative economy – particularly in light of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Voting for the Arts will cover the basics of advocating for ballot measures in your community, as well as concrete tools and strategies for taking action to ensure your local candidates are committed arts champions.

See you on the 29th!

Register Today!


The Laura Zucker Fellowship for Policy and Research is an opportunity for individuals to research and propose policies that will impact LA’s arts and cultural policy landscape.

The fellowship offers a $3,500 stipend, one-on-one mentorship from Arts for LA leadership, and the opportunity to thoroughly investigate an area of urgent importance. Proposals can include (but are not limited to):
Investigation of structural inequities in the arts and culture workforce, specifically in small and mid-size nonprofit arts organizations, and identification of policy solutions to remove those barriers.

Research and recommend best practices for the arts and culture industry to build resilience and avoid funding fluctuations during periods of economic stagnation.

Identifying policy solutions that would help expand access to paid arts and culture-work based learning opportunities for opportunity youth, ages 16 to 24, such as internships, apprenticeships, or other paid opportunities.
Participants must live or work in Los Angeles County; other guidelines and eligibility can be found by clicking this link.

Applications close May 1st!

Click Here to Apply Today!


In light of the devastating impacts of COVID-19, our creative communities are in need of visionary advocates now more than ever. Arts for LA is excited to announce a new track in our signature ACTIVATE arts advocacy & leadership program.

ACTIVATE Innovators supports artists, art & culture professionals, and community advocates in the development of an advocacy project designed to address an urgent issue facing the Innovator’s community. The program will pair participants with an expert mentor and connect them with the resources necessary to realize their advocacy work.

We welcome applications to this new program from anyone interested, including ACTIVATE Alumni. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions – we look forward to hearing from you!

Click Here for More Info!


In the wake of a global crisis, where arts and culture are key to unifying communities and coping with a new reality, Arts for LA is your only cross-discipline, cross-sector advocacy organization working to give the arts a voice during crucial decision making moments.

When you become a member of Arts for LA, you are joining a movement of artists, arts administrators, arts organizations, and arts advocates united in support of the same goal: ensuring the arts and culture in Los Angeles County are supported, especially in times of crisis.

Our members are vested partners in reinforcing what we advocate for in the arts. Arts for LA is an agent for change. Become a member today and be a part of that change.

Become a Member Today!


As the COVID-19 crisis reshapes the reality of life in LA and communities across the world, Arts for LA is dedicating our March newsletter to providing advocacy opportunities and resources for artists and arts organizations.

As the COVID-19 crisis reshapes the reality of life in LA and communities across the world, Arts for LA is dedicating our March newsletter to providing advocacy opportunities and resources for artists and arts organizations. Our Creative Communities in Crisis Open Letter is calling for policymakers and grant makers to:

Include artists and arts organizations in relief and recovery funds;
Provide publicly-backed emergency grants and interest free loans to artists and nonprofit arts organizations;
Create protections & provide immediate support for the contract workers that make up over half of Southern California’s creative sector;
Pool relief funds for artists and arts organizations among philanthropic foundations;
Relax grantee requirements/deliverables now unmeetable due to outbreak;
Increase unrestricted, flexible funding by public and private grant makers to allow small & mid sized organizations to adapt to evolving situations.
Los Angeles is the creative capital of the world and Angelenos have always understood that the arts are vital to our economy and the wellbeing of our families. Throughout history, the arts have been essential to Los Angeles’s progress and resilience.

Today, in the midst of an unprecedented crisis, our city’s artists and arts organizations are moving mountains – helping Angelenos unite, find beauty, and forge community. Do not leave us behind.
In this Special Edition of our March Newsletter, we provide ways you can get involved in our advocacy, including: signing our open letter to policymakers and grant makers, posting to your social media with our digital campaign assets, and sharing resources for our community.

Members make our advocacy work possible. If your organization is not yet an Arts for LA member, please consider joining today.


Arts for LA

We must take swift action to support the vital artists and organizations devastated by the COVID-19 outbreak. Join Arts for LA by co-signing this open letter calling on policymakers and grant makers to take action in support of our creative communities. Click the button below to read the letter and show your support.

Add Your Name Now!

Take Digital Action – In the midst of an unprecedented crisis, our city’s artists and arts organizations are already on the frontlines – helping Angelenos unite, find beauty, and forge community. Do not leave us behind.

Take matters into your own hands and join the digital campaign calling on elected officials and grant makers to offer emergency support for artists and arts organizations.

Tell us your story – We want to share our members’ stories of resilience, adaptability, and #CreativityInCrisis!

If you or your organization has discovered innovative and creative ways to share, practice, or utilize your art medium during this crisis, we invite you to share those experiences with us, so we can spotlight you on our social media.

Email Development and Communications Associate KC Buller with your narratives!

LA County Department of Arts and Culture

The LA County Department of Arts and Culture is supporting LA’s Arts and Culture community in any way they can. They have created a COVID-19 resource page that contains a multitude of resources for a variety of communities, including: nonprofit organizations, funders, and artists.

Click Here

City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs

COVID-19 Arts Resources Page. The City of LA Department of Cultural Affairs has compiled a COVID-19 Arts Resources page. Click the button below to access.

COVID-19 Arts Resources Page
NEW! Arts Emergency Relief Fund. The Arts Emergency Relief Fund, from the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs aims to provide relief to a spectrum of LA-based performing artists who were financially affected by the unanticipated disruption caused by COVID-19.

This program provides emergency relief grants to City of Los Angeles-based dance, music, and theatre artists, as well as small ensembles who have had their public performances, shows, or concerts cancelled. Click below to learn more.

Arts Emergency Relief Fund

Americans for the Arts

Americans for the Arts is collecting information about the financial and human impacts that the spread of the coronavirus has had on artists and arts and cultural organizations. The survey collects basic information about the participating organizations and artists so that the data can be parsed by specific geographic regions, artistic disciplines, and budget categories.

This data is very important and can be used to allocate federal funding to local arts agencies and organizations. Respond today to ensure LA’s arts community is well-represented.

Click Here for the Survey


The Laura Zucker Fellowship for Policy and Research is an opportunity for individuals to research and propose policies that will impact LA’s arts and cultural policy landscape.

The fellowship offers a $3,500 stipend, one-on-one mentorship from Arts for LA leadership, and the opportunity to thoroughly investigate an area of urgent importance. Proposals can include (but are not limited to):
Investigation of structural inequities in the arts and culture workforce, specifically in small and mid-size nonprofit arts organizations, and identification of policy solutions to remove those barriers.

Research and recommend best practices for the arts and culture industry to build resilience and avoid funding fluctuations during periods of economic stagnation.

Identifying policy solutions that would help expand access to paid arts and culture-work based learning opportunities for opportunity youth, ages 16 to 24, such as internships, apprenticeships, or other paid opportunities.
Participants must live or work in Los Angeles County; other guidelines and eligibility can be found by clicking this link.

Click Here for More Info!

ACTIVATE: Arts Innovators applications will open on April 10th! This new, three-session program supports artists, art & culture professionals, and community advocates in the development of an Action Project designed to address an urgent issue facing the Innovator’s community. The program will pair participants with an expert mentor and connect them with the resources necessary to design and launch an Action Project.

The application window will be April 10th through May 15th— stay tuned for more details!


In the wake of a global crisis, where arts and culture are key to unifying communities and coping with a new reality, Arts for LA is your only cross-discipline, cross-sector advocacy organization working to give the arts a voice during crucial decision making moments.

When you become a member of Arts for LA, you are joining a movement of artists, arts administrators, arts organizations, and arts advocates united in support of the same goal: ensuring the arts and culture in Los Angeles County are supported, especially in times of crisis.

Our members are vested partners in reinforcing what we advocate for in the arts. Arts for LA is an agent for change. Become a member today and be a part of that change.

Become a Member Today!