A Message to the Arts for LA Community:

During this unsettling period, we hope you are well and taking the necessary precautions to stay safe. Over the past couple of weeks, Arts for LA has been carefully monitoring the news and following the health and safety officials’ recommendations both locally and nationally. In response, the following changes will be made to our community events calendar:

We will be digitally joining the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors during their Arts Month proclamation, as the County has placed limits on public gatherings;
Our annual Arts Day celebration at LA City Hall, originally planned for the end of April, is postponed.
Over the past few weeks, we have received daily postponement or cancelation notices from productions, conferences, galas, and community based creative spaces; school districts and arts education providers across the Los Angeles region are closing their doors during the outbreak– this will undoubtedly have devastating financial impacts on our field. We also are taking this opportunity to acknowledge the massive global impact of COVID-19 across every industry, many of which our artists and arts workers utilize as a primary or secondary source of income. Our intent is to advocate for financial support for artists, arts organizations, and arts workers in partnership with other industries impacted by the pandemic.

Arts for LA was founded in 2006 to ensure the Los Angeles region had an organization dedicated to bringing the arts community together to advocate in a unified response to a crisis. This remains a key purpose. Over the next few weeks, our team will be working remotely to inform, engage and mobilize you to join us in advocating for arts funding to support artists and arts organizations during and beyond this public health threat. We will continue to share timely resources for our field on responding to COVID-19 via our social media platforms. We will also host digital advocacy training, and are exploring other methods to continue to support with preparedness.

We hope that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.


Arts for LA has issued a statement regarding Assembly Bill 5 (AB5). Read here.

Arts for LA is extremely troubled by the impact Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5) has had on California’s creative economy– a law intended to compel large tech companies to convert their freelance workers from independent contractors to bona fide employees; however, small and mid-sized arts organizations, and independent creative workers across the state have experienced a shocking degree of collateral damage.

Creative careers are nuanced, and each practice area has its own set of operating norms. We’ve heard from freelance musicians who are in the position of being classified as both employers and employees of their bandmates; community based organizations who cannot afford to put workers on payroll lest they shut their doors; and periodicals large and small who are choosing to stop working with California freelancers, under threat of misclassification lawsuits. The examples are legion, and growing every day.

AB 5 ignores the harsh realities of California’s creative economy, and does not leave any room for addressing the problem of under-compensating individual artists who struggle to make a living. The law fails to acknowledge that small arts organizations, while providing work to artists, are inadequately funded and cannot afford to place workers on payroll or provide benefits.

Arts for LA is committed to engaging artists, institutions and their communities as advocates for an equitable, healthy and creative Los Angeles region. We will work with our statewide colleagues on solutions that address systemic and structural inequities in the creative economy, while making appropriate changes to existing law. We look forward to hearing from all constituents — organizations, artists, unions, and others — to try to address conflicting impacts and priorities more equitably. Click here to view Californians for the Arts’ toolkit for responding to AB 5, and be sure to take their survey, which captures data on the direct impact of this law on our field.

We will keep you abreast of future learning and engagement opportunities.


Happy New Year! This newsletter brings updates on Arts for LA’s Public Policy Agenda, the LA County Percent for Art in Private Development ordinance hearing, and some great upcoming events.

We hope your 2020 is off to a great start! Firstly, thank you for your very generous contributions and support during our year end drive in December. We are pleased to report that you helped us raise 133% of our end of year goal. Thank you to the Herb Alpert Foundation for their support!

January has been busy for Arts for LA: We are reviewing the extraordinary number of ACTIVATE Arts Delegates applications, and will be introducing you to the 2020 class in next month’s newsletter. We’re also co-organizing important community dialogue about the future of the Ford Theater. In the last few months, community members have communicated to us the importance of investing in our region’s small and mid-sized organizations. This will be a main component of our 2020 policy agenda, which we will be releasing in just a few weeks — be sure to learn more about our agenda setting process below.

I hope you will join us for two advocacy opportunities in the next few months: on February 4th the LA County Board of Supervisors will be voting on Percent for Art in Private Development (learn more below); and Arts Day at LA City Hall is on April 21st! Save the date, and stay connected with our social media as we announce the program.


Gustavo Herrera
Executive Director, Arts for LA

In just a few weeks, Arts for LA will be releasing our 2020 Policy Agenda, focusing on four key issue areas: increased arts funding for small- to mid-sized organizations; affordable spaces for artists; creative career pathways; and equitable arts education.

Developed over a year-long, iterative process, Arts for LA’s policy framework includes ideas developed by 2019 Laura Zucker Fellow Allison Agsten, community listening of arts leaders during the State of the Arts Summit, issue-specific working groups with policy experts and practitioners, and approval by Arts for LA’s Board of Directors.

Arts for LA’s arts advocates have come up with some innovative approaches to some of our community’s most pressing concerns, and we look forward to sharing them with you. Stay tuned!
TAKE ACTION to support LA County’s creative communities! At 9:30am on Tuesday, February 4th, the County Board of Supervisors will be voting on the Percent for Art in Private Development ordinance – an innovative program that will fund the arts in under-resourced communities across the county.

Arts for LA will be in attendance and we hope you will join us to make your voice heard! For more information, or if you are interested in attending on February 4th, please reach out to Cordelia Istel, our Director of Organizing:

Arts for LA has championed  the Percent for Art in Private Development since its drafting in March, 2017. The ordinance mandates a 1% fee on new, privately developed commercial, industrial and residential properties of 30 or more units in unincorporated areas of LA County. The ordinance exempts affordable housing projects, transitional housing projects, and mixed-income projects; all revenue generated will be directed towards civic art & cultural programming.
Frieze LA 2020

Frieze Los Angeles returns after the success of its inaugural event. Come visit Arts for LA at our booth in the Paramount Studios backlot.

Frieze will be held February 14th – 16th, with a preview on Friday, February 13th.

Explore the world’s leading galleries alongside special projects from ground-breaking artists. There are many ticket options, so you can customize your Frieze experience.

Click here to Buy Tickets

Hildegard Symposium

The Hildegards, a network for Los Angeles women working in classical music, invite you to our first symposium on Sunday, February 9th, from 12:00pm-5:15pm at the Colburn School.

In an afternoon filled with deep discussions, networking, learning and leading, you will engage with the big issues in our music community. Strengthen your ties with your colleagues in Los Angeles and help set the course for a more vibrant, inclusive future. Sessions include keynote events, career logistics sessions, speed mentoring and more.

Join by registering for your preferred sessions at Eventbrite, and we’ll save you a seat.

Buy Your Tickets Here!


Read about how our inaugural State of the Arts Summit went, learn about our 2019 Laura Zucker Fellowship final report, as well as an update on the Board of County Supervisor’s vote for the LA Phil to operate the Ford Theatres, and more!

With just over one month left in 2019, this Thanksgiving season reminds us of what we are thankful for and gives us the opportunity to share our gratitude.

Arts for LA is grateful to everyone who supported and attended our inaugural State of the Arts Summit on November 1st! It was inspiring to see over 220 registered attendees, representing 147 unique organizations come together to continue the work Arts for LA’s founding leadership established thirteen years ago.

We hope the State of the Arts Summit will build upon that legacy and provide a forum for arts leaders to work through the challenges and opportunities in 2020 and beyond. More on the State of the Arts Summit can be found below, and click here to see photos from the event!

November 1st also marked the release of the 2019 Laura Zucker Fellowship Research Report. Allison Agsten, our Research Fellow, studied the issue of affordable spaces for artists in Los Angeles County. See below for her staggering results.

Lastly, we are sharing an update on the outcome of the Board of County Supervisor’s vote on the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association to operate the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre Complex. We also share information about the AB5 law which, when it goes into effect in 2020, could potentially reclassify millions of California artists acting as independent contractors. Read on for more.


Gustavo Herrera
Executive Director, Arts for LA


On November 1st, Arts for LA hosted its inaugural State of the Arts Summit. The event convened arts and cultural leaders from across the region to think through various policy solutions addressing common challenges.

California State Senator Ben Allen, LA Times Columnist Steve Lopez, and Laura Zucker Research Fellow Allison Agsten each offered their own unique perspectives on the arts in Los Angeles County. Four interactive breakout sessions followed the welcome and keynote remarks, focusing on the issue areas of education, affordable space, jobs, and funding. After expert presenters quickly framed each issue, participants engaged in roundtable discussions evaluating the potential impact of various policy solutions. We will continue these discussions in a working group format throughout the month of December.

We want to thank our community partners who helped make this event successful:

Photographers: Las Fotos Project

Catering: HomeGirl Industries

Venue: Los Angeles Theater Center (LATC)

We also greatly appreciate our funders who supported the Summit: The Rosenthal Family Foundation, Annenberg Foundation, Department of Cultural Affairs, LA County Department of Arts and Culture, Louis L. Borick Foundation, California Arts Council, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and our Arts for LA Members.

We hope you enjoyed the Summit as much as we did — see you next Fall!



We are thrilled to present our 2019 Laura Zucker Fellowship final report, authored by Allison Agsten: (Re)inventing the Dream: Policies and Practices for Keeping Artists in Los Angeles. Allison’s research uncovered staggering facts about the current state of Los Angeles artists. Of 763 artists surveyed:

“89% stated that affordability of housing in Los Angeles County is a serious concern… [and] 90% said the same of workspace affordability.” (Agsten, p.8)
Furthermore, Agsten discovered:

“…The rate of present day and recent homelessness amongst artists surveyed is more than three times that of the current rate of homelessness in Los Angeles County.” (Agsten, p.8)
Her policy solutions highlight two important priorities: developing new affordable spaces, and preserving existing affordable spaces.

You can read her full report, including her complete findings and policy suggestions, on the Arts for LA website.

Read what The Art Newspaper had to say about Agsten’s report, and click here to share a Tweet about it!


On Tuesday November 12, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to approve a lease agreement for the LA Phil to assume a lease over the Ford Theatre. Members of the arts community attended the meeting to express a variety of perspectives. During the public comment period, Arts for LA’s Executive Director Gustavo Herrera reiterated the call for greater transparency in the stewardship of the County’s cultural resources.

The Supervisors responded to this call – co-signed by over 150 members of the Arts for LA community – by attaching an amendment that mandates community engagement sessions be part of the lease agreement. An excerpt of the amendment language is below:

“The LAPA [LA Philharmonic Association] shall hold community engagement sessions with local artists and interested stakeholders…to discuss outreach, program development, and audience development, to include recommendations on maintaining accessible and affordable ticket prices.”

Arts for LA is grateful to the members and community advocates who reached out to us about this issue and took action to ensure the creative community’s voice will continue to be heard in these critical decision-making processes. We are committed to working with all stakeholders involved to facilitate constructive, meaningful conversations as the partnership moves forward.

Convening: Unpacking AB5 – Survive + Sustain

Save the date! Join the DRC, Californians For the Arts, Arts for LA, and the Actors Fund for a convening unpacking the details of AB5.
Special Guests: Julie Baker + Adam Y. Siegel

Wednesday December 11th
10:30am – 12:30pm

Venue: To Be Determined

Click Here for More Info

Webinar: Special Employment and Labor

When AB5 goes into effect on January 1, 2020, it could dramatically reshape the future of independent workforces in California and significantly impact workers in the state’s creative economy.

On Tuesday, December 3, at 10:00am, join Stoel Rives attorneys Vida Thomas and Bryan Hawkins at this webinar presented especially for the members and friends of Californians for the Arts to learn about this new legislation, and what it means for the state’s arts community. We will also be joined by Californians for the Arts Executive Director Julie Baker. Topics to be covered include:

What AB5 does
How it will be enforced
The definition of an ‘independent contractor’
Who is exempt from AB5, and who isn’t
Preparation and proactive steps
Click Here to Register
If you have any questions or need additional information, please email


October brings the announcement of the State of the Arts Summit, new team members, and more! Read on.

Thank you to everyone who supported last month’s successful Pop Up Art Show! We welcomed more than 350 attendees and featured 19 artists.

Arts for LA’s inaugural State of the Arts Summit is only three weeks away, on November 1st. Formerly known as LA Convergence, the Summit connects arts leaders to design solutions around some of the issues the arts and culture community faces. Read on for more information about the event and how to buy tickets.

Our 2019 Laura Zucker Research fellow, Allison Agsten, is finalizing a report offering findings and policy solutions to the topic of affordable space for artists. Join us at State of the Arts on November 1st to be the first to hear her important research findings.

We also welcome our newest team member this month: Aubrey Farkas Harris, our Director of Public Policy and Advocacy. Learn more about her below.

Arts for LA staff strives to build a collective voice of artists, arts organizations and community advocates that fight for a more equitable, healthy, and creative Los Angeles region. Become a member today. Include your voice and unique perspective in the Arts for LA 2020 arts and culture agenda, and be among the change happening in our field.


Gustavo Herrera
Executive Director, Arts for LA


8:30 – 9:00am – Registration & Breakfast
9:00 – 10:15am – Welcome Addresses
10:30am – 1:00pm – Breakout Sessions (two, ~ 60 minutes each)
1:00 – 2:30pm – Lunch & Call to Action

Arts for LA’s inaugural State of the Arts Summit is only three weeks away, on November 1st. This half-day convening invites you to explore and champion solutions to some of the field’s most pressing issues. Themed Pathways and Places, the Summit will focus on finding solutions to address equitable access to: arts education, affordable spaces for artists, creative career pathways, and investments in the arts. Your voice and advocacy is vital as we strive to build equity within our creative economy.

Award-winning LA Times columnist Steve Lopez and California State Senator Ben Allen will headline our welcome address. Esteemed presenters from each issue area will share their perspectives and facilitate conversations about finding achievable solutions to our industry’s most pressing issues. We are honored to welcome Denise Grande, Director of Arts Education at the LA County Department of Arts and Culture, and Dr. Steven McCarthy, Director of Arts Education at LAUSD, as our presenters for the Arts Education discussion.


This event is part of Arts for LA’s ongoing commitment to provide valuable opportunities for the arts & culture community to connect with one another, learn together, and lead the field, united in discovering solutions to the major issues we face.

Tickets and Registration:

There is a two step process to register for the State of the Arts Summit:

Step 1: Purchase a ticket here.
(If your organization is a current, contributing, organizational member of Arts for LA, you are eligible for one complimentary ticket)

Step 2: Register for the event here.

State of the Arts Summit FAQs:

I think my organization used to be an Arts for LA member. Can I renew our membership and still get the free ticket? YES! Renew your membership today by clicking here! If you renew today, you will be eligible for a free ticket to the State of the Arts Summit.

My organization is a current member, and I have already registered for my free ticket. How can I purchase more for my team? Purchase more tickets for your team at a 40% discount!

What if I am an Individual Member of Arts for LA? If you have given at the ACTIVATE Alumni Champion or Arts Delegate membership level, you are eligible for a 15% discount!

Do you offer Cultural Equity Pricing for this event? Yes! Send us an email for more information.

Where does my money go? Ticket proceeds directly support the cost of holding this event.

If you have any other questions about the status of your membership, or State of the Arts Registration, send us an email to, we’ll be happy to help.

We hope to see you there!

The Los Angeles County Arts Ed Collective publishes an annual Profile – an interactive tool which helps parents, teachers, administrators, arts organizations, and others, to report on the state of arts instruction in LA County public schools. The Arts Ed Profile combines data from the California Department of Education, LA County K-8 statistics, and information from community arts partners to provide a complete understanding of arts education access across the County.

The Arts Ed Collective needs your help to update the Profile with 2019-20 data! Visit to learn more about the Arts Ed Profile, and ask your schools get their data updated!


Aubrey Farkas Harris is a 15-year veteran of Los Angeles’ political and civic arenas.  She has held senior staff positions in the US Congress, California State Assembly, and preeminent nonprofit organizations, and has successfully run several political campaigns.

Aubrey’s lobbying accomplishments include creating California’s Homeland Security Grant Program for vulnerable nonprofits, and passing landmark anti-discrimination legislation. Aubrey spent her early career working for members of Congress and the California State Assembly, where she developed foreign and domestic policy positions and legislative initiatives. A veteran of high-profile political campaigns, Aubrey has a talent for distilling complex policy for wide audiences.

Aubrey earned a Masters of Public Policy from the University of Southern California and graduated from UC Davis with degrees in Political Science, Art History, and Middle Eastern/South Asian Studies. In her free time, Aubrey co-chairs the Glass Leadership Institute, and is on a personal journey to find the world’s best baked goods.

Call for female artists of all disciplines in the City of Los Angeles to be featured in a video series funded by the California Arts Council!

About the Project:

We are filming a new series of short videos featuring one female artist from each of Los Angeles’ 15 council districts speaking about a remarkable woman who inspires her. The project will culminate in regional screening events around Los Angeles for the storytellers and their communities.

Through a community nomination process, a diverse panel of female artists will be selected for this series. Special regard will be given to diversity of art form and representation of the many cultural communities of Los Angeles. At least one artist will be chosen from each of Los Angeles’ 15 council districts. We are seeking nominations now through the end of the year!

To Nominate an Artist: CLICK HERE to fill out our easy online form!

For more information about this project, click here. Contact Community Programs Manager, Jeanine DiTomasso with any questions.

The Lula Washington Dance Theatre, (LWDT) invites you to our annual Dance All Day Festival, Saturday October 19, 2019, during the historic Taste of Soul. This festival brings dance performances, classes, vendors, and fun for the entire family!

Have a seat under our shady canopy and enjoy performances on our beautiful outdoor stage. Kids can play on our rock wall, make arts and crafts, or bounce in the Bouncer. Our stage is proud to host performers from the very young to the well-seasoned, including Ricks & the Hot-Flashers, and professional dance companies such as Lula Washington Dance Theatre’s international touring company. You can also participate in our free dance classes throughout the day.

Dance All Day takes place during the popular Taste of Soul, which attracts close to 300,000 people on Crenshaw Blvd. Join our event, located at the LWDT parking lot on the corner of Crenshaw and Coliseum.

This entire event is free! (Festival of Tutus: Free for registered LWDT students; $5 per person general public). Dance All Day is sponsored in part by LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, and Council President Herb Wesson. Other collaborators include LA Dance Resource Center and Arts for LA.


Arts for LA exists to connect you as individuals and organizations around key issues that contribute to the creative vibrancy of Los Angeles. Learn more about our upcoming events and growth!

Hello Arts for LA Family,

First and foremost, Happy National Arts in Education Week Los Angeles!

Arts for LA exists to connect you as individuals and organizations around key issues that contribute to the creative vibrancy of Los Angeles.

In this spirit, we invite you to two upcoming events to connect with one another: in less than 8 days we will host a Pop Up Art Show 2019 on September 21st at Art Share LA.  On November 1st, we will host our inaugural State of the Arts Summit, scroll down to learn more. Arts for LA organizational members receive free tickets to the State of the Arts Summit. If your organization has not done so already, become an organizational member today!

We are also pleased to introduce our new team member, Cordelia Istel. Cordelia will serve as our community’s Director of Organizing. Learn more about her below.

Lastly, the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs is hosting their Public Art Triennial CURRENT:LA, with this year’s focus on food. You don’t want to miss it. More information below!


Gustavo Herrera
Executive Director, Arts for LA


What: 3rd Annual Pop Up Art ShowWhen: September 21 6pm-10pm (5pm with VIP Admission)

Where: Art Share LA 801 E 4th Place, Los Angeles
An extraordinary multi-discipline venue in the heart of LA’s Arts District

How: $10 General Admission Tickets
$100 Early Admission VIP Tickets
All ticket proceeds go directly to Arts for LA

Why: A chance to own exclusive and one-of-a-kind art by some of LA’s most imaginative artists -AND- support Arts for LA.

18 LA-based artists who spend their days designing and inventing the worlds we all have grown to love – Disneyland, Disneyworld, Universal Studios, Warner Brothers – are sharing and selling their personal art.

This is your chance to own sculpture, photography, paintings, sketches and more from some of the world’s most creative minds! In previous years, more than 70% of these unique pieces were sold, and this year, there are over 120 works you can make your own. Each artist is donating at least one piece, and the proceeds of the sale of those pieces comes back to Arts for LA.

For the best chance to bring your favorite piece home, join the VIP Experience. You’ll have an exclusive first look at the art work for sale (from 5pm-6pm), along with free parking, drinks, food, and the musical stylings of LA’s latest rising star: Eva B. Ross, whose first album will be released on October 25th!

So, stop by Art Share LA on September 21st to meet great people, find your next favorite artist, and help Arts for LA keep fighting to make LA a better place for all.


How do I play a part in shaping Arts for LA’s public policy agenda for 2020?

Join Arts for LA at the Los Angeles Theater Center on November 1st and be among the first of a growing community working to reimagine solutions to the field’s most pressing issues.

Come and enjoy great conversation, be a part of thinking through solutions, and discover how your voice can shape a proactive collective agenda for the arts in Los Angeles. Organizational members receive free tickets to this event, become a member today!

Click the image below if you are interested in attending this event and would like to receive more information.


Arts for LA is your only cross-discipline, cross-sector advocacy organization with a mission to give the arts a voice at the decision making tables of Los Angeles. When you become a member of Arts for LA, you are joining a movement of artists, arts administrators, arts organizations, and arts advocates united in support of the same goal: ensuring the arts and culture in Los Angeles County continue to thrive.

Our members are vested partners in shaping what we advocate for in the arts. Arts for LA is an agent for change. Become a member today and be a part of that change.


Arts for LA is pleased to introduce our newest team member, Cordelia Istel! Joining us as our Director of Organizing, Cordelia is an organizer, educator, and administrator with over a decade of experience working at the intersection of cultural programming and social justice.

Before joining the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) as an External Organizer, she served as Director of Programs for White Bird Productions, Manager of the New York Metropolitan Opera’s Education Department, and helped create the United States Department of Arts & Culture – a national network of activists using arts-based strategies to address urgent issues facing their communities.

Cordelia is a graduate of Yale University (degrees in Political Science and Theater Studies) as well as the California Institute of the Arts (School of Theater). She is thrilled to join the Arts for LA team, and will start on September 30.

Department of Cultural Affairs CURRENT:LA Food

LA’s Public Art Triennial

CURRENT:LA democratizes the way people access art. The initiative shifts away from the museum environment and places temporary public art projects and public programs in the neighborhoods of Los Angeles where residents and visitors live, work, and play. CURRENT:LA uses contemporary art as a way to deepen connections on issues affecting Los Angeles and other global cities to inspire civic discourse on those particular issues. Artists and public programmers will highlight the advances – as well as the challenges – we face as producers and consumers throughout 15 LA sites ranging from the San Fernando Valley to Watts.

CURRENT:LA is funded by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.

For updates about CURRENT:LA FOOD, follow CURRENT:LA on Facebook, Instagram @current_la, and Twitter @current_la.
