Arts for LA is making some changes – we are headed in a new programmatic direction, and we are hiring!
July marks the beginning of a new fiscal year for Arts for LA and we want to update you on some of our key efforts. Over the past two months, we have been assessing our programs and thinking deeply about focusing our programs, and as a result we have a newly board adopted Programmatic Vision for 2020.
Our core competencies as an organization is to serve you as: researchers, trusted policy experts, arts and culture conveners, and community advocates. This fiscal year, we will fulfill our arts advocacy mission via these 4 core and interconnected programs:
the Laura Zucker Research Fellowship (Summer 2019),
the State of the Arts Summit Convening, formerly known as CONVERGENCE (Fall 2019),
ACTIVATE: Advocacy Training & Advocacy Project Incubator (Winter/Fall 2020),
ArtsMonth: month-long advocacy convenings (Spring of 2020).
Currently, our team is working diligently to outline a 2020 Public Policy Agenda Framework which we will share with you in the coming months. The formation of this agenda will include community listening. Simultaneously, we are also developing a series of fun, public programs that will let us connect often throughout the year.
Fundamentally, this new programmatic vision is about putting you–our membership, our ACTIVATE Alumni, our community of passionate, arts advocates — at the center of this work.
As we embark in this new direction, we are hiring two new members to our growing team! Arts for LA seeks a Director of Organizing and a Director of Public Policy and Advocacy. Click each job title for more information on the position as well as application instructions.
Gustavo Herrera
Executive Director, Arts for LA